

Special invitation with international lab technician for seamless lab communication!

About the Course


Boost your dental expertise with our latest course led by Dr. Syafiq, the dental professional. This comprehensive course is designed to enrich your understanding and skills in all key areas of crown and bridge work, focusing on current clinical procedures, material knowledge, and effective techniques.

What sets this workshop apart is the rare opportunity it offers for live patient experience. This inclusion allows participants to apply their learned skills in a real clinical setting, under the guidance and direct feedback of Dr. Syafiq. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your proficiency and confidence in providing efficient crown and bridge treatment. Join us, and take your dental career to the next level!

Essential Crown & Bridge Workshop 2023 (29 - 30 July)

RM1,388.00 – RM3,750.00

Our Experts

Dr. Syafiq Alauddin


Dr. Syafiq Alauddin

Dr. Muhammad Syafiq Alauddin is a prosthodontist, graduated from University Malaya in 2011 and University of Sheffield / Royal College Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2017. He is a keen advocate in minimally invasive restorative dentistry and modern practice of implantology. He is a member of Malaysian Association of Prosthodontics (MAP) and currently a full time USIM clinical lecturer. He regularly published scientific articles and lectures to professional audience (dentists) throughout Malaysia. Contemporary Concepts in Implant Prosthodontics.


08:30 am – 09:00 am: Registration
09:00 am – 10:00 am: Lecture: Fundamental Concept in Fixed Prosthodontics & Contemporary Ceramic Material Revisit
10:00 am – 11:00 am: Lecture: Tooth Preparation
11:00 am – 11:15 am: Tea Break
11:15 am – 12:15 pm: Lecture: Adhesive Rehabilitation & Impression Techniques
12:15 pm – 01:00 pm: Lecture: Previsualization and Occlusion
01:00 pm – 02:00 pm: Lunch break
02:00 pm – 05:00 pm: Hands-on: Tooth Preparation

08:30 am – 09:00 am: Registration
09:00 am – 11:30 am: Hands-on: Impression Technique
11:30 am – 1:00 am: Hands-on: Provisional and Cementation
02:00 am – 04:00 pm: Case Discussion: Complexity of Fixed Prosthodontics
04:00 pm – 04:15 pm: Briefing for Live Patients Clinical Session
04:15 pm – 04:30 pm: Group Photo and Closing

Additional Add-On : Live Patient Experience

Live Patient Experience: Crown Preparation & Impression

Venue: Bandar Puteri Dental Clinic

Live Patient Experience: Cementation

Venue: Bandar Puteri Dental Clinic

Event Gallery

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